Double Thackrah at Preston RAM
It was very much a case of “buy one, get one free” at the meeting of Preston RAM No 143 held at Garstang Masonic Hall as two different ceremonies were worked on the same evening.
Steven and Tony Thackrah
First up was the elevation of Steven Thackrah. For this ceremony Worshipful Commander Bill Richmond, who had other matters occupying his mind, handed over the reins to Phil Watson. Lodge scribe Tony Shaw was called upon to assist Phil by explaining the signs. Phil was a very appropriate choice to undertake the elevation as he and Steven are both members of Prince Setanta Mark Lodge No 1446. Also assisting in the ceremony was Bob Bennett of Edmund Taylor RAM No 296 who presented the working tools of the order in exemplary fashion.
Glyn Jackson Davies, Tony Thackrah and Bill Richmond
Stepping from behind the senior wardens pedestal to invest Steven with his apron and decorate him with the jewel of the order was his proud father Tony Thackrah. Tony went on to undertake the explanation of the steps to his son.
Phil Watson, Tony Shaw and Bob Bennett
Then it was on to the next ceremony, the installation of Tony as Worshipful Commander. As Tony explained, “I have witnessed Steven ascend to the chair in various orders. For this special event I wanted him to be the one watching my installation which is why we elevated him on the evening rather than waiting for the next meeting.”
Representing PGM Keith Beardmore on the evening was Glyn Jackson Davies. Glyn was a late replacement as circumstances conspired to prevent APGM David Winder undertaking a representation he had been very much looking forward to. However in one respect David was present in spirit as the apron which Tony had so proudly presented to Steven had originally belonged to David.
Some of the members and guests in attendance
Bill Richmond went about the duty of installing Tony as his successor in a delightful manner and can take great pride in his work.
The address to the new Commander was delivered by Phil with Glyn orating the Exposition of the order.
The personal touches during the ceremonies made it a very special evening and a rare, if not unique, event.
The formalities of the lodge room over it was time to retire to the dining room where an excellent three course meal was enjoyed.
There were the usual toasts including that to the newly installed Commander but the most poignant of them all was that of Tony to his son on his being elevated into the order. The pride obvious on the face of Tony was reflected back in equal measure by Steven.
Tony receiving the Travelling Porphyry Stone from Roy Rhodes
One of the first duties of Tony was to receive the Travelling Porphyry Stone from Roy Rhodes the Worshipful Commander of Semper Fidelis RAM No 880.
The final toast of the evening was of course that of the Warder. Making his debut appearance in delivering an extended version of the toast particularly relevant to the RAM degree was Bob Bennett. It rounded off an excellent evening of ritual and camaraderie and it can be observed that the toast was “nautical but nice”.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear